We Can't Teach What We Don't Know

We Can't Teach What We Don't Know
White Teachers in Multiracial Schools

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chapter 7

Creative Connector

“Eventually, each of these young men went on to graduate from prestigious colleges and acquire lucrative positions, which leads me to wonder what would have happened to them without the advantage of parents who could resist the temptations of school personnel.” (119)

This quote which is a part of a longer story about two black students in an all white district who repeatedly were put into remedial classes even though they were fully capable of the work within their class as well as advanced classes. It makes me think about the notions we as teachers gather from students. I know that often for students in the Fairport area teachers associate “The Pines” with low-level thinking and students with diverse needs. It as a negative association put onto the students and places their backs to the wall even if they are very smart children.

“Teaching is a calling, not just a job.”

To teach isn’t to walk in before the first morning bell and leave before the dismissal bell. Teaching is a way of life – you enter the doors with your mind reeling about the day and leave inspired ready for the next. Teachers consistently work to make themselves better, their schools better and most importantly their students better. This takes a special type of person, and that’s why I agree that teaching is a calling.

Essence Extractor:

"We as transformationist teachers, are 'the primary stewards of democracy.... This is our vision; this is our unfinished work."

Scott Martin Chpt 7

Scott Martin - Creative Connector: Chpt. 7

“What is the new idea we have been waiting for that will free us from the entanglements of White dominance and the tragic persistence of educational inequities for children of color in our public schools?”

It is completely obvious that there is no “silver bullet” or we wouldn’t be having grad level classes such as this one or a Social Foundations. It’s hard to think that we will ever find a solution to this inequality issue. It hurts to think that this cultural divide will continue for centuries to come, I just wonder how deep White dominance has its roots dug in. But as the adage goes… the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

“those of us who have benefited from the history of White privilege do not have to perpetuate it into the next generation.”

Perpetuation. This is such an easy idea to wrap your head around, but not so easy to instill. It is pretty undeniable that many, if not all, Whites have in some shape or form benefitted from that privilege. The classroom is an extremely powerful forum for the creation of a culturally diverse society. Mostly white teachers, infinite cultures of students and a lesson. The issue at hand is this: I could become the single most accepting and progressive white teacher… helping all of my students understand each other and their ideas… but it cannot stop there. I tend to believe that the family and that social dynamic need to change as well or all would be for nothing.

“The assumption of rightness, as related to the achievement gap, often leads teachers to assume that the problem of school failure lies in the students and their families and not in the structure or functioning of schooling.”

I actually couldn’t agree more with this statement. There are many times I have to take a step back and think about this concept. I can’t count the times I have assumed I was right, and whomever else was wrong. We all do it, maybe not on racial issues, but we have our opinion and ideals. And to us, they are the right answer. Schools and the politics of schools have to change, not just the ideas.

Scott Martin - Essence Extractor: Chpt 7

This chapter is finally starting to put theory into practice. Giving a critical look at how we as white teachers tackle this history given to us and begin to map out a cohesive path into the future.

Scott Martin – Rigorous Researcher: Chpt 7

Tim Wise clips:




A VERY moving speech from Dr. Martin Luther King:


Scene from the movie “Crash”


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Alicia Arendt Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Ways of Being White: A Practitioner’s Approach to Multicultural Growth

Creative Connector
This chapter seeks to challenging the assumption of acting “white” and its connotation as a singular meaning.

I wanted to reflect on this idea, as it’s present a lot in my schools.  I work at school #34 in the enrichment afterschool program. While it is enrichment, it’s not a gifted and talented program or anything of the sort- it’s an alternative place for students to go from the hours of 2-6.

My school is ranked as the most diverse in terms of race, ethnicity and religion.  The interesting concept I see in my program is that the students that appear to act out the most are often my white students.  In this setting there aren’t a lot of white students, and like all students they struggle with their racial identity.  While black students are generally the minority here the situation is reversed.  I can see them struggling with act too white and not fitting in or acting too black and not fitting in.  It’s an interesting situation to watch and I was strongly surprised as how much I engaged in the chapter because of seeing this assumption of whiteness in my school.

I also looked at the concept of fundamentalist white identity development and the feeling of respond to multiculturalism with fear, hostility or avoidance.

While watching the news this morning I saw a growing controversy over an NPR host making a statement that when he goes into airports and sees a person dressed in Muslim grab he becomes nervous.  This statement got him fired and has been highly published in the news.  I was interested in how this fit into our class discussion and the idea of expressing opinions and having a conversation about race, ethnicity and religion.  The question is, is expression a concern ground for getting fired, or is it the public forum that leads to that outcome.  In my option I see him expressing his concern, and waiting to have it debated and discussed.  While I do not agree or accept his opinion I see it a common concern for many Americans after 911- while this doesn’t make it right, it does make the concern reality.  The idea is when can we start having these conservations and debates without feeling fear, hostility or avoidance.  If we all have bias when can we express it so that we can have it altered and grown from newfound understanding?

Essence Extractor:
Use these four assumptions to guide the dissolving of the “Acting white” concept:
  1. 1)   Growth in multicultural awareness is possible
  2. 2)   Growth is multicultural awareness is desirable
  3. 3)   Multicultural growth can be observed and assessed
  4. 4)   Multicultural growth can be stimulated and promoted

Noelle Stappenbeck

Rigorous Researcher Ch. 6

I wanted to learn more about the REACH center/program that Gary Howard speaks of throughout this book.
If one searches there are many different programs titled REACH the one that I thought was the closest to the program that Gary speaks of is actually sponsored by the CDC. http://www.cdc.gov/reach/index.htm
Some of the other programs are programs I thought went along with the ideas of this class was the one for gifted children. http://www.amphi.com/~reach/
After viewing a few of the different web pages that came up in my search I finally found the actual website (or so I believe) it is very interesting check it out. http://www.reachctr.org/

Chapter 6

Ways of Being White: A Practitioner’s Approach to Multicultural Growth

Creative Connector

“My friends and colleagues from other racial groups often tease me about “acting white”, particularly when I become overly concerned with details and time constraints.” p. 101

I never really looked at being “overly concerned with details and time constraints” a thing that only white people do. I think that this right here is an assumption. All though I do tend to act this way myself I know plenty of others who do also. It is more part of being a human being. I think that it is a trait that all people can have. I do not think that race matters what so ever and in all cultures there are people who are overly concerned with details and time constraints. If anything it has to do with becoming older, the older I got the more I was concerned with detail and time.

“ Four assumptions guided our work:

1. Growth in multicultural awareness is possible.

2. Growth in multicultural awareness is desirable.

3. Multicultural growth can be observed and assessed.

4. Multicultural growth can be stimulated and promoted.” p. 102

I like this quote of assumptions because I believe that they are all true. I think that as a society we are truly becoming more multiculturally aware! I know that even since I have been in this class my multicultural awareness has grown. Through these blogs the entire classes growth can be “observed”. These readings and readings from our other classes “stimulate and promote” our multicultural growth.

“Transformationist identity is, in itself, an ongoing process of change and growth.” p. 112

I feel that life itself is “an ongoing process of change and growth”. We are constantly being stimulated through daily life. There are many chances to change and grow in all situations. If one looks at the word transformationist it is saying that it is a person who is “transforming” they are changing. Their values, hobbies, ethics, religious views, etc. can even change. The one thing that we cannot change is our race and culture. We are born into it, but we can view others and except them the same ways that we except people that are part of our own race and culture.

Essence Extractor

I feel that this chapter is Gary Howard’s way of having someone assess where they are in their own identity development.

Scott Martin Chpt 6

From 2009… interesting thinking about what is perceived a racist state and a progressive state

Just a book cover but I found it relevant

Howard - "Our goal is neither deify nor denigrate Whiteness, but to defuse its destructive power.”

This is just a lighthearted look at what it means to be white… FYI it is not edited! - Louis C.K.


Scott Martin Chpt 6

Scott Martin - Essence Extractor: Chpt 6

Howard almost seems to use this chapter as a sort of rubric for where you are in your identity development. I understand that this is stretching the idea of a rubric, but, especially with the use of the chart on pg. 104. Using that you can almost find where you are in his ideal of development then look and see where you can imporove.

Chapter 6

Vocabulary Vitalizer

Achievement Gap:


High Stakes Testing: usually standardized tests, which put pressure on students and teachers for high achievement. If the school doesn’t meet the “standards” they may lose funding. Plays into Stanovichs “Matthew Effect.”

School Reform: any changes in a schools curriculum in which they think they are making changes to better their education systems. Recently the reforms fall in line with NCLB and “Outcome Based Educations.” Many educators close to the heart of education know that students cannot be standardized and no school should be standardized either; best practices should be used.

Achievement Triangle: knowing ourselves, knowing our students and knowing our content/practice is the key to success in the classroom.

Scott Martin Chpt 6

Scott Martin - Creative Connector: Chpt. 6

“Theories of White racial identity development clearly demonstrate there is more than one way of being White.”

This is an interesting thought. Of course every theory determines them to be right… but I wonder if in fact any of them are at all? Or do we need a taste of one, a bit of another in order to understand what it means to “being White”? I almost wonder if that is even a loaded statement. I understand that Howard writes about understanding your own racial identity in order to co-exist with other cultures. It just makes me a bit uncomfortable acting white. I guess that means I am not as far along on Howard’s identity theory then I expected I was.

“there is no single way of ‘acting white’, and Whites in one stage of development often experience conflict with their white peers in other stages.”

This statement has obvious truth on the face value. No one can deny that each White person has a different worldview on other races. I begin to wonder if all of this identity development holds true for every other culture. It brings to mind Obama’s presidential campaign. For many Blacks, Obama was too white. For many others he wasn’t close to being black enough.

Chapter 6

Creative Connector

“My friends and colleagues from other racial groups often tease me about ‘acting white,” particularly when I become overly concerned with details and time constraints. I usually take these jibes in the light-hearted way they are intended, but I also want to challenge that acting white has any consistency or singular meaning” (Howard, 101).

I agree wholeheartedly with what Howard starts out saying in this chapter. I think being socially conscious we have to question the social constructs that we create. I can relate to this quote on a personal level, yet I am usually on the opposite side of the fence. I am usually running late or am rushing around simply to be on time; this goes for anything – deadlines, class, or social events (I’m usually pretty good about being early to work). One of my black friends who was born in Ethiopia is always saying that I am on C.P.T. (color people time). This is an interesting dynamic; my black friend is applying a negative construct (about people of color) towards me, a white person. Although it is just a joke between friends, the fact that I know what C.P.T means, and can regularly joke about it is a problem. It is a social construct that I am applying, (or he is applying) towards a whole group of people.

Essence Extractor

“We have a choice as White people to become champions of justice and social healing.”

As teachers, no matter the color of our skin, we have the opportunity to be champions of justice and social healing. The best way to give our students power is through knowledge and ensuring that they reach their own potentials, while educating them on being agents of change.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Noelle Stappenbeck

Chapter 5

Mapping the Journey of White Identity Development

Creative Connector

“It was helpful, for example, for me to realize that “identity versus identity confusion” was the central challenge facing me in the transition from adolescence to early adulthood.”

This passage can be viewed in two different ways…

First we can look back to those years in our lives and I know that for a bit I wasn’t exactly sure where I fit in, in school, in sports, socially, I never had to look at it from a racial point of view because of where I attended high school. Once in College I think that kids go through this transition again. It even starts before college because some young adults choose not to go to college, some join the armed forces, some get jobs right away, some start families right away etc. There are so many paths that can be chosen that some people can really struggle to figure out where they fit in. It becomes even harder for those individuals who may be in special education classes or differentiated learners, they may want to go to college that might have been a life long goal or dream for them, and they should be able to go they should not be shot down and told that they are not at the right level for college. It has been a proven fact that students do well in college because “they are learning/studying what they want to learn” so the material is interesting to them. Which brings us to the next way that this passage can be looked at.

Second, from a teacher’s perspective. As teachers of ALL learners we can look at this passage and realize that again ever individual is different. Each student especially around the middle school level and then again at the high school level is trying to “find themselves” this is a time in all students lives that they need guidance and support. As teachers we can help “steer” students towards the right paths. Help them realize their own self-efficacy and become independent members of society. Some students will need more guidance than others and as a teacher you will think that some won’t need help at all. But as a teacher we need to find those items that are interesting to our students at a young age. We are constantly being told to meet the needs of all learners, differentiated teaching is important, more teachers just need to start apply these techniques.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

this country will never move beyond the idea of race so long as our government is in the business of race. what do you think? check all that apply:
  • white
  • black
  • other

"Our belief of life, liberty and he pursuit of happiness, for example come into conflict with our growing awareness of unfair and unequal treatment afforded blacks and other people of color" (Howard, 93-94).

As our culture progresses we need to move away from ideas such as "white is right, black is wrong," "white power," or "black power." As a global community we need to empower everybody, regardless of the color of their skin.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mapping The Journey of White Identity Development

Alicia Arendt
Chapter 5
Mapping the Journey of White Identity Development

Creative Connector

Understanding Black Identity Theory in particular the Encounter stage really related to my better understanding of dominance and privilege.  The encounter stage is summarized as being simulated with experiences or events that lift the mask off of whiteness and point out significant racial categories. During this stage one learns that race along can lead to negative treatment.

I think this statement put the idea of dominance and privilege into a new category that I begin to understand more.  In class and conversation we talk a lot about the idea of racial guilt, how whites feel guilty over privilege.  While class says we shouldn’t be guilty I think it’s a fair and often required aspect of understanding racial identity.

As a white women I feel insulted when wide assumptions are made about me because I am white- I have a lot of great things in my life, and my family has worked and struggled for them considerable. The issue is that when faced with the idea of dominance and privilege it makes me feel like the effort and struggle my family and I have gone through aren’t valid, and that I got things without them being deserved. This is where I think a lot of the guilt and often resentment of the concept come into play.
While I am still processing a lot of the book and the class discussion and disagree with much of the conversation I think that this passage sheds new light on the idea of privilege to me.  It de-masks the idea of unfair treatment and helps me see that the fact that I am treated as an equal among my peers plays a significant role in the idea of dominance.

Instead of basing this reflection off a particular passage I think this chapter due to its formulaic nature needs to be reflected on as a whole.

When faced with the stage of racial development I was struggling to really understand where I stood amongst it.  This book requires a lot of self-reflection, and it’s about taking a personal journey into identity and dominance.  I think where I struggle is that much of the last 5 years of my life and career have been spend in inner city schools working with a diverse range of students in an after school setting.  I see myself as informed, aware, justice and in my teaching unbiased. 

When reading this book I feel like I am constantly confronted with someone telling me that I am inherently racist and prefer whites over black- that I am unfairly given my position and status in life and that before any change can happen I need to come to grasps with my identity issues.  While this might be a rash thing to say I think that I am comfortable in myself an my identity and that as an educator each day I walk into the classroom and make an effort to reach all of my students.  My classroom isn’t black and white, it’s a magnitude of grays and variety, and each student has their own independent struggles and issues, and their own cultural identity.  I guess what I’m trying to say is that I think I am in a comfortable place with my racial identity, that I am seeking to acknowledge all students for who they are and the factors that feed into it in an non-threatening way.  I feel like I am in a semi-autonomy state but the book makes me feel ashamed to think that, that because I am white and young I must still be holding prejudice and “white savior” syndrome. 

Essence Extractor:
There is a strong correlation between the stage of both black and white racial identity. For the white educator these stages can be summarized as follows:
1.     Acknowledge that white racism is present in individuals, institutions and cultural manifestations.
2.     Abandoning racism and engaging in resistance forms.
3.     Develop a positive, non racist connection to white racial and cultural identity.

 Rigorous Researching:
This chapter focuses most of it's attention on the stage of racial identity and development.  It looks at a variety of researches with emphasis placed on Erik Erikson, I though it might be interesting to explore some of these researchers outside the parameters of the books.  Below are summaries and looks to the theorists explored int he chapters.

Erik Erikson

Janet E. Helms


This is the link to take the race test that was discussed in the class video- interesting theory, it would be interesting to take it and compare results- I was labeled as strongly prefers European Americans.  The question I would ask is how does this "preference" impede my teaching and my life?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chapter Five

Scott Martin - Creative Connector: Chpt. 5

“… race itself is a social construct, a learned category. Its meaning is communicated through interaction with our own and other racial groups”. (p. 89)

We as teachers, have a seemingly insurmountable task ahead of us. To first find our own openness to racial understanding and acceptance, then to take these ideals of change and to begin to show the students that we influence so heavily. Yet, it doesn’t stop right there. These students come from their own racial groups, surrounded by their own social constructs. What they have learned before they walk through the door of our classroom. That seems to me to be the hardest and most daunting task at hand.

Yes, I may, according to Howard, find my own understanding of my White Identity and openness to other racial groups, but, how do I even begin to show that ability and understanding to those that haven’t arrived at this level of understanding. How do I go about influencing and opening lines of communication with those students and families that have spent years creating their own perceptions of what “otherness” means to them? Many, given the chance and opportunity, I believe, will be more than willing to extend acceptance to others. But, there will always be those few that just can’t comprehend that acceptance, that is the scary fact.

“Whites, for the most part, are not accustomed to seeing ourselves as racial beings”. (p. 89)

I found this an interesting topic, it sparked numerous thoughts within my mind. Basically, for me, I found it like looking at the topic from another perspective, from a different angle. I began to think about the fact that I never had to explain myself, to defend who I was, where I came from, and what I was to become. I didn’t have to come to grips with the past, other than ideals describe in earlier posts about my Irish heritage, but again, I was never part of the struggles of the Irish immigrants. The question comes to my mind though, what is it like to actually see yourself having race? What is it like to have to know that you are a “racial being”? Finally, what is it like to wake up and know you had absolutely no control over being given that stigma?

“The pseudo-independence stage begins when we acknowledge White responsibility for racism and confront the fact that White people have intentionally or unintentionally benefited from it”. (p. 96)

Again, this is one of those comments that a bit difficult to read. One the initial reading, it was again like Howard was “slapping Whites on the wrist”. Another scolding for being White, piling on the guilt once again. Responsibility for everything, racism is all your fault. When I read it again and in the context of the developmental stages, I began to understand that it is more of a guilt by association, that in fact goes both ways. I am guilty because of centuries of white dominance, and the other racial groups are guilty for being born what they are as well. Whites, without a doubt, have benefited for centuries because of their skin color, and I am sure I have as well in some manner.

Scott Martin - Essence Extractor: Chpt 5

Chapter five shows the process and/or hierarchy of the way one would discover first their own racial identity before moving into acceptance with other racial groups. Most of this chapter deals with Howard’s description of Helms and Piper’s stages of identity development. It is broken into six stages covering two phases. This ideal of identity development gives a mapped out psychological if not scientific “roadmap” to one’s understanding of their racial identity.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Chapter 5

“…any comprehensive theory of white racial identity must explore the following three developmental tasks:

  1. Acknowledging the reality of white racism in its individual institutional, and cultural manifestations
  2. Abandoning racism and engaging in active resistance to its many forms.
  3. Developing a positive, non-racist, and authentic connection to white racial and cultural identity. (howard, 92)

This was a very hard chapter for me to digest. After reading it several times this has to be one of the only steps of abolishing a power dynamic in our country. The chapter discusses how “whites” are inherently racist and then goes on to discuss the stages of racism that “whites” may go through in life. I don’t think that I have ever gone through any of these stages, nor do I think I will. I can understand how there are exceptions to the rule. Many people have many biases and a select few are in another universe i.e. Klu Klux Klan and the Black Panthers or Muslim/Christian extremists. I don’t feel that the average 23 or 24 year old reading this book has any of these feelings of inherent or blatant racism towards anybody. I guess that part of this lack of understanding for me is I feel that I don’t associate myself as “white,” I associate myself as Italian-Irish. I can tell you each of my friends’ ethnicity as well and what is unique about each culture, even specifically to their family. Understanding somebody goes beyond color of the skin.

I do realize that we need to understand and change the institutional and cultural manifestations that are present, but I do think that our country is well on its way to doing so. This change sincerely only started with the civil rights movement with new societal scapegoats emerging in different times and places.

The only thing that any one person can do is to stand up to bias and racism and take action against immoral displays and ideas. Hopefully our actions as teachers become contagious with our students and our colleagues.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chapter 4

“Honesty, Empathy, Advocacy and Action”

The subheadings speak to teachers who are culturally accepting, and teachers who are agents for change. Not only do these four descriptive words mean so much, but can you imagine a world where everybody followed these morals?

Teachers need to be honest in recognizing the “dogmas of dominance” and realize that there in fact is dominance everywhere we are, even if we are blind to it.

Teachers need to be empathetic. We need to identify with everyone one of our students in our class, whether it is there strengths, difficulties or culture. We need to teach our students to be empathetic to each other and the struggles that we all go through. This will help our students in turn realize how alike everyone on this planet is and in turn they will become agents of change.

Teachers need to be advocates! If we are in the dominant culture we need to identify the problems that we are creating and educate our colleagues and other professionals so that they can change. “Through acts of advocacy we can begin to undermine some of the assumptions that have grown from centuries of dominance” (Howard, 82).

Action. Honesty, empathy, and advocacy mean absolutely nothing if there is no action taking place. Teachers need to put in place actions to make their classroom a safe-haven of positive learning experiences. In turn students will benefit from multicultural education and a more equitable pedagogy that tells all sides of the story.

These statements not only put in perspective parts of what it means to be a great teacher, but these descriptive statements, shed light on what it means to be part of a potentially great global community.


Chapter four depicts the healing process for Gary Howard’s son after the loss of a friend. He uses great analogies to demonstrate how the Rio Grande is like America and is always changing. What really stuck with me is the pain that Benjie (Howards son) and how he dealt with his loss and the pain he was feeling. Although Benjie was an adult and was able to go on his own healing journey, I asked myself “what if one of my elementary school students had to deal with loss, or pain? How would I be able to help them deal with that?”

These are great resources for upper elementary school kids;



A great blog with picture books for younger students:


Essence Extractor:

Being a good person is essential to be a good educator and agent of change. In order to have an impact on our students to be agents of change we must practice what we preach! We nee do be honest, empathetic, advocate for each other and take action!

Scott Martin - Creative Connector: Chpt. 4

“Honesty begins for Whites when we learn to question our own assumptions and acknowledge the limitations of our culturally conditioned perceptions of truth”. (p. 73)

To begin, I must say that this passage is giving me a bit of a mental struggle. I understand what Howard is stating in this work, that we have to find ourselves, and what our own issues are before we can move to become whole with the rest of the world… in a sense. What is bothering me is this. Chapter after chapter in this book, Howard has broken down historically, socially and even personally the struggles and dominance that “Whites” have shown on race relations in America.

My issue is as follows. Howard keeps stating that “Whites” need to construct their own identity, break it down then re-build a new identity. Yet, Howard insists that this is a human solution. Yet, when I read all of this text, it is starting to seem like another “white guilt” issue. He constantly states that the human race needs to become one in understanding and work together, but, it is starting to sound like another thing that “Whites” are responsible to solve.

How is the solution to racial inequality our job as whites? I am starting to believe that there needs to be a change in a human understanding from all “rivers”. Myself as white can do anything and everything to change who I am, but if the rest of the “playing field” can’t agree on the “rules” then what good is all of this?

“When White educators acknowledge both our insecurity and our privilege when dealing with issues of race, and when we begin to question the influence of the dominance paradigm in our work with students, we actually gain credibility with our colleagues and students from other racial and ethnic groups”. (p. 74)

Again, this is a tough passage for me. I am finding that, yes, you may do everything within your being to overcome centuries of discrimination and oppression, but what does that find in the end? What do you find in the end? Do you become a better “White” than all the rest? Are you now the benchmark that everyone else needs to strive for? Am I saying that we shouldn’t address these issues, NO! It just seems to me that with Howard’s statement above, you have found the “promise land” in the eyes of the “other” cultures. Yet, what does that change, just one man. Is not the problem at hand to change humanity, not to find personal victory?

Scott Martin - Essence Extractor: Chpt 4

Basically I need to quote outside of my belief of this chapter being a personal introspect for Howard.

“From the broad perspective being considered here, the multicultural education process engages us in at least five key arenas (again putting it into the term of a fight or a struggle), of learning:

1. To know who we are racially and culturally

2. To learn about and value cultures different from our own

3. To view social reality through the lens of multiple perspectives

4. To understand the history and dynamics of dominance

5. To nurture in ourselves and our students a passion for justice and the skills for social action”. (p. 85)

Scott Martin – Vocabulary Vitalizer: Chpt. 4

- Diversity: The state of being diverse.

- Havasupai:

- Dominance: Power and influence over others : the worldwide dominance of Hollywood.

Genetics the phenomenon whereby, in an individual containing two allelic forms of a gene, one is expressed to the exclusion of the other.

Ecology the predominance of one or more species in a plant (or animal) community.

- Honesty: the quality of being honest

- Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another

- Advocacy: public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy

- Action: the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim

- Privilege: a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people

- Educator: give intellectual, moral, and social instruction to (someone, esp. a child), typically at a school or university

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chapter 4 The Rivers of Change

Chapter 4

Creative Connector
Summary of a Passage from Chap 4: At the original sources, American was formed by the Native Americans, and then came the Europeans from different lands and cultures changing the face of America considerable. Then the people of Africa came.  Like The Colorado River, American never stops changing.  New streams are continuously forming bringing diverse religions, languages, cultures, tastes, styles and traditions.
This section reminded me a lot of my training in Art History.  My Undergraduate degree is in both art ed and art history and I spend a lot of time debating what I wanted to go into as a profession.  The majority of my Art History education has been from a Western perspective.  This perspective often misjudges and ignores the art of  non-western cultures.
During my study of American art I looked at the western representation of American at it’s founding.  The images were a direct and interesting representation of the above quote and show how there is a skewed and distorted perspective of the “other”.  I have included some of Europe’s image of early America under the category of idea illustrator.

Intellectual achievement does not necessarily confer to wisdom in a multicultural dimension.
I found this passage particularly interesting due to its play of the idea of intelligence and wisdom.  In my experiences in high school and college I meet and befriended many people who were incredible intelligent, several of my friends are enrolled in medical school, these people, however, do not exemplify my idea of wisdom, understanding and empathy. In my life I have seen a lot of variations of people but the most influential people in my life have been the wise, and empathetic humans that seek not to gain intelligence but advance understanding and compassion.

Idea Illustrator

The following images are were created during the founding of American by Western Artists hired to create images that encourage other colonist to come to American.  When looking at these images consider the representation of Native Americans and how their representation contrasts with that of the Colonists? What message is the artist seeking to convey?

Comment Piece:

From your perspective are these good, bad...uncertain?

Essence Extractor:
As a society we must learn to heal our own personal and cultural wounds.  In order to do so we pass through 4 phases, honesty, empathy, advocacy and action, only then can healing have resolution.